Author: neil

  • Lake Paringa, NZ to Haast, NZ

    Lake Paringa, NZ to Haast, NZ

    With a short-ish day today, we didn’t set an alarm, and took our time getting up and out of the tent. But that wasn’t enough to avoid the sandflies! Since our skin was again well-covered for the 45F morning, they had a minimal chance of actually biting us (thankfully they don’t seem to go too…

  • Fox Glacier, NZ to Lake Paringa, NZ

    Fox Glacier, NZ to Lake Paringa, NZ

    6.9 inches of rain fell over the last two days, which would be a pretty significant event in most places, but here there were no warnings or watches this time. Still, that brings the six-day total to more than 16 inches of rain, nearly half of what Seattle gets in an entire year. But now…

  • Franz Josef Glacier, NZ to Fox Glacier, NZ

    Franz Josef Glacier, NZ to Fox Glacier, NZ

    Two and a half days of extreme rain will be followed by two more days of less-extreme though still-significant rain. But in between, we were granted a single day of dry, sunny skies. The two glaciers here in “Glacier Country” flow surprisingly-close to sea-level, but not close enough that you can just walk up to…

  • Whataroa, NZ to Franz Josef Glacier, NZ

    Whataroa, NZ to Franz Josef Glacier, NZ

    A combination of luck, 21st-century weather forecasting, and our ability to go slow, means we haven’t ridden through rain in an unbelievably long time. So long that I can’t even remember the last time. We certainly haven’t gotten wet in New Zealand (despite the frequent rain!), and I don’t think it happened last summer in…

  • Ross, NZ to Whataroa, NZ

    Ross, NZ to Whataroa, NZ

    Yesterday while eating dinner outside the campground kitchen, it was difficult to not notice the attractive woman striding past, a woman with blonde hair as short as her tanned legs were long. After breakfast this morning while I was crouched down packing up my bike in front of the same kitchen, those same legs crossed…