Author: neil

  • Glacier National Park (Many Glacier), MT

    Glacier National Park (Many Glacier), MT

    Day 5 We’d heard from Mojo and Speakeasy (the through-hikers we hung out with at St. Mary’s) that the Many Glacier Hotel does an all-you-can-eat breakfast for $21, and that’s just as valuable to touring-cyclists-cum-day-hikers as it is to through-hikers, so finally we had the morning to (literally) take advantage of the offering. Since we…

  • Glacier National Park (Many Glacier), MT

    Glacier National Park (Many Glacier), MT

    Day 4 Our last hike in the Many Glacier valley would take us up into the north fork of the north fork, to Iceberg Lake. This is a lake where the highlight is right in the name: chunks of ice can be found floating freely on its surface well into summer. It’s not just due…

  • Glacier National Park, MT (Many Glacier)

    Glacier National Park, MT (Many Glacier)

    Day 3 We were pleased to wake up and find that we could still walk after yesterday’s record hike. We’d slept in (after another “lucky” 10pm rain that came while we were paying for this roof) and had a soft-boiled egg breakfast in our cabin. That’s because yesterday evening I had even had the energy…

  • Glacier National Park, MT (Many Glacier)

    Glacier National Park, MT (Many Glacier)

    Day 2 We’re spending a lot of money to be able to explore the Many Glacier valley, so let’s go big before we go home. Wait, we don’t have a home to go to, but soon the Swiftcurrent Motel manager will tell us, like a bartender, “you don’t have to go home, but you can’t…

  • Glacier National Park (Rising Sun), MT to Glacier National Park (Many Glacier), MT

    Glacier National Park (Rising Sun), MT to Glacier National Park (Many Glacier), MT

    It’s finally time to move up to the top fork of the trident on Glacier’s east side: Many Glacier! While the distance from this middle fork to the top is similar to the distance between the lower fork (Two Medicine) and the middle, there is much less climbing. Thus we were able to laze in…