Author: neil

  • Easton, WA to Ellensburg, WA

    Easton, WA to Ellensburg, WA

    We had learned when picking up groceries last night at The Hitching Post in Easton, that they also served as a small diner (with the single attendant impressively managing food prep and retail purchases simultaneously). So we decided to do biscuits-and-gravy (and eggs) breakfast there rather than normal camp breakfast. At the edge of town…

  • North Bend, WA to Easton, WA

    North Bend, WA to Easton, WA

    Rett thought she heard a car last night and then bikes moving, so was concerned whether or not our bikes were still sitting outside our tent. I knew immediately that this was 100% a dream, since the nearest road was miles away. So I was happy to laze in bed together until 9am, more than…

  • Monroe, WA to North Bend, WA

    Monroe, WA to North Bend, WA

    Today we restart bicycle travel, heading east from the Seattle area towards Idaho. Way back in September, two weeks before we stopped riding, we booked a VRBO apartment near the center of Seattle for January 3rd to April 11th (in between, we would spend two months staying with Rett’s dad in upstate New York, and…

  • Brunswick, ME to Methuen, MA

    Brunswick, ME to Methuen, MA

    We were surprised by rain in the morning, so that put a pin in any idea of riding over to the train station, and we just walked the bikes the mile from our hotel. We got there in plenty of time, and while Brunswick isn’t big enough to have a big fancy station hall, there…

  • Waldoboro, ME to Brunswick, ME

    Waldoboro, ME to Brunswick, ME

    Our nomadic life has always been filled with a lot more non-riding days than the average “bike tourer”. Over the 377 days of our nomadacy thus far, we’ve moved forward on our bicycles on only 164 of them, less than 44%. But now we are looking at our longest planned time off the bike by…