Author: neil

  • Windsor, NS to Kentville, NS

    Windsor, NS to Kentville, NS

    How small is our world, really? It’s small enough that, using only the power generated by our hearts, lungs, and muscles, we have been able to cover the western side of its 4th-largest country, the entirety of a major peninsula of its 13th-largest country, and bounce around three different subdivisions of its 2nd-largest country. In…

  • South Maitland, NS to Windsor, NS

    South Maitland, NS to Windsor, NS

    Our camper’s intermittent heater (plus our body heat) kept the indoor temperature from dropping below 58℉ by morning, but it was 37℉ outside. Rett’s idea yesterday to go short and to a roof was proven right again: waking up to that temperature in our tent would have been survivable, but not especially pleasant. We were…

  • Valley, NS to South Maitland, NS

    Valley, NS to South Maitland, NS

    We were up late last night having a really stressful time sorting through a list of limited options for places to stay. In fact we didn’t even finally settle on a place until this morning. Our escape-from-Canada route now has us going west from Truro and along the northern coast of the western lobe of…

  • Pictou, NS to Valley, NS

    Pictou, NS to Valley, NS

    During our three days and four nights in Pictou, the only time either of us left the house was when I made one ride back out to the grocery store. We normally hole up pretty solidly when we have a multi-night roof to stay under, but this was extreme even for us. Pictou seemed like…

  • Saint Peter’s Bay, PE to Pictou, NS

    Saint Peter’s Bay, PE to Pictou, NS

    We expect this to be our last morning for a while waking up in a tent, and while the wind stayed quiet again, the tent, the picnic table, and our bikes were soaking wet with dew. But after sopping up most of the water from the table, and laying down our multi-purpose Mexican drape on…