Author: neil

  • La Paz, BCS

    La Paz, BCS

    Day 5 Attending a baseball game during our stay in La Paz didn’t work out, but we could still go to the movies! Rett needed to see the third installment of the “Animales Fantasticos” (Fantastic Beasts) series in a theater, so can we make that happen? La Paz is big enough to host several movie…

  • La Paz, BCS

    La Paz, BCS

    Day 2 We’ve booked five nights in this La Paz AirBNB, tying (with Guerrero Negro) our longest “intentional stay” in Baja. It’s nice knowing that we don’t need to start researching our next destination, route, and place to stay for quite some time, so that means we can spend a day doing very little, and…

  • El Centenario, BCS to La Paz, BCS

    El Centenario, BCS to La Paz, BCS

    Only a small coda remained as the cap to our successful Loreto-to-La Paz push, so we enjoyed a relaxing morning at our courtyard-connected suite of rooms at our suburban AirBNB. Except that a fifteen-minute segment of guilt and shame dumped my heart into my feet and shattered that relaxation. When Rett was on the phone…

  • Las Pocitas, BCS to El Centenario, BCS

    Las Pocitas, BCS to El Centenario, BCS

    In a sign of ever-increasing strength, we were up at 5:45am and feeling ready to duplicate yesterday’s record distance, while also throwing in way more climbing. Though, I did still spent a while scouting out wild-camping possibilities in case our reach ended up exceeding our grasp. Despite being a tiny town, Las Pocitas held the…

  • Ciudad Constitución, BCS to Las Pocitas, BCS

    Ciudad Constitución, BCS to Las Pocitas, BCS

    This morning when the alarm went off, our bodies were ready for the big-mileage day. We ate our in-room breakfast (heating water for our AeroPressed coffee again on the stove outside our door), and were on the just-lightening road at 7:30am, our earliest start ever. For the third day in a row now it was…