Author: neil
North Concord, VT to Gorham, NH
With the call of loons over the pond at night, sleep was cool and easy in our own WarmShowers bunker, and our hosts were up before us when we joined them in the main house to put together some breakfast. After some more routing discussion, and a tour of our bikes, we were on our…
East Montpelier, VT to North Concord, VT
We awoke to a beautiful morning, again joining Abigail and Hobart at their patio table, where they piled our plates high with blueberry pancakes. But our thankful goodbye was the end of the good stuff for a while, as we were soon back on US-2, which continued to have small to non-existent shoulders, which pushed…
Burlington, VT to East Montpelier, VT
It’s time to resume heading eastward. In 2016, we completely avoided the Green and White Mountains by skirting around them in Canada. This time, we still aren’t quite bold enough to take them head-on, so I worked hard to find the shallowest river valleys cutting through them. Unfortunately, the road-builders had long-ago discovered the same…
Burlington, VT
Four Nights in Burlington Our first evening, we mostly spent drying and cleaning our wet gear, and waiting for the nightclub below to start its music. But we were given a reprieve! Presumably because it was a Monday night, the club stayed silent, and we slept well, under the hum of the indoor air conditioner…
Crown Point, NY to Burlington, VT
The bridge into Vermont that we’d camped next to was apparently a 2011 emergency replacement, so it had nice pedestrian pathways on both sides. I’d considered riding up them, just so that we could stop to get good pictures at the top, but since I’d taken those last night (under much better lighting!), we just…