Category: Mexico

  • Rosarito, BC to La Mision, BC

    Rosarito, BC to La Mision, BC

    Wind! We haven’t had to deal with it much so far, but it will likely play a bigger factor in Baja. This morning it wasn’t a soul-sucking open-land headwind, but rather, a gusty crosswind. Which made it tough for Rett to keep the bike controlled on the busy out-of-town highway, and prevented her from looking…

  • San Ysidro, CA, USA to Rosarito, BC, MX

    San Ysidro, CA, USA to Rosarito, BC, MX

    When we became nomads in autumn of 2021, we had no intention of leaving our native country during our first winter. It was only when we stayed with Jayaram and Aparna in Alameda that Rett became obsessed with the idea to cycle the Baja peninsula (particularly to visit the gray whales), and I slowly came…