Category: California

  • Eureka, CA to Weott, CA

    Eureka, CA to Weott, CA

    In the midst of all this fear and avoidance of rain, we were surprised by one of the best days of pure bike touring so far, with clear enough skies not just for a beautiful ride, but to be able to camp overnight in comfort. Of course the camping is sort of a “must”, to…

  • Eureka, CA

    Eureka, CA

    We wanted to push on to Eureka yesterday because we knew there would be rain all day and into the night, and with Eureka being the last “city” we’d be in for a long time, it would be a good place to get some business done. Once again, the forecast was correct, and spending most…

  • Orick, CA to Eureka, CA

    Orick, CA to Eureka, CA

    We intentionally have two different mobile phone providers (I have Verizon, Rett has Google Fi), to maximize our coverage. We’ve had brief periods where neither of us has had service, but staying for two days and nights at Prairie Creek was the first time we totally Internet-disconnected. We managed fine (like bike touring 40 years…

  • Orick, CA

    Orick, CA

    My dew detector was right on: our rain fly was so soaked, outside and in, that by early-morning it was dripping inside the tent. Under totally clear moonlit sky. At least things that are inside our panniers or inside the bear box don’t get wet, and the dew-detector let us know that we needed to…

  • Crescent City, CA to Orick, CA

    Crescent City, CA to Orick, CA

    Today’s ride began with a 1000 ft. hill right outside of Crescent City. A tall order under any circumstance, and one that we built a lot of strategy around given Rett’s recovering hip. One part of the strategy was to get on the road by 7:30am (some 2 hours earlier than our “normal” start time),…