Category: Hawaii

  • Hilo, HI to Park Ridge, IL

    Hilo, HI to Park Ridge, IL

    We had two more days and nights to leverage Bob & Paloma’s wonderful hospitality. I spent much of the time repacking the bikes in the boxes we had left at their house (along with a decent amount of our gear), and then we both had to rearrange the rest of our possessions into “flight mode”.…

  • Volcano, HI to Hilo, HI

    Volcano, HI to Hilo, HI

    Last summer we filled ourselves from the breakfast buffet at Glacier (twice!), Yellowstone, and Grand Teton National Park Lodges. Now it was time to continue the streak at Volcanoes! It was similar in quality to the mainland versions, but additionally had a chef making custom omelettes to order. And they charged us the cheaper staying-at-the-lodge…

  • Volcano, HI

    Volcano, HI

    Day 2 Today we would do wheeled exploration of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, via Crater Rim Drive, and Chain of Craters Road. Ironically, the “Drive”, much shorter than the “Road”, would actually have been more-suited to the bikes than the truck (the “stop every quarter-mile” nature of the lookouts are the exact sort of things…

  • Na’alehu, HI to Volcano, HI

    Na’alehu, HI to Volcano, HI

    Back when we thought we’d be rounding the south end of the Big Island on our bicycles, the idea was for us to just move 10 miles up the ring road and camp at Whittington Beach Park. That short day would give us the opportunity to do an 18-mile in-and-out offshoot to the southernmost tip…

  • Captain Cook, HI to Na’alehu, HI

    Captain Cook, HI to Na’alehu, HI

    Just as I was about to get some sort of breakfast started, there was a knock on our door, and our hostess appeared with two plates of food for us! “Breakfast” might have been in the AirBNB listing (though despite being responsible for one of the “B”s in the name, that’s incredibly rare), and if…