Category: USA

  • Mill Valley, CA to Rohnert Park, CA

    Mill Valley, CA to Rohnert Park, CA

    A couple weeks ago, Rett asked “when do we go through wine country?” Well, wine country is inland, and we’re riding down the coast, so, never. Or, we at least would have to do a significant detour to hit anything wine-related. But wait, there are no rules to this thing, right? So let’s go to…

  • San Francisco, CA to Mill Valley, CA

    San Francisco, CA to Mill Valley, CA

    This may have been the shortest ride we’ve done where we’ve actually changed “homes” for the night.  But this Kirby Cove campsite that we’d booked (for $30, rather than the hiker/biker prices we’re used to) was more “this is a unique attraction we should visit” rather than “this is a place to sleep when traveling…

  • San Francisco, CA

    San Francisco, CA

    4 days in San Francisco Day 1 First requirement was getting to Ariscault Bakery before they opened to be 5th in line to pick up a bag of croissants. They lived up to their reputation well enough that being 50th in line probably would have been worth it. Well, at least 25th in line. Then…

  • Lagunitas, CA to San Francisco, CA

    Lagunitas, CA to San Francisco, CA

    The rain and the wet in camp (even when it’s not raining) is a significant drain on our time, energy, comfort, and thus, enjoyment of this mostly-outdoor life we’ve chosen to live. I want to make this version of life be as comfortable and enjoyable as possible for Rett, because that means we’ll both be…

  • Bodega Bay, CA to Lagunitas, CA

    Bodega Bay, CA to Lagunitas, CA

    The clear skies from the previous day stayed open all night, and into the morning. We were up early for one of our biggest days of riding, and could actually feel a sunrise for the first time in forever. On top of that, it was 55 degrees, so we both were wearing shorts when we…