34.6 mi / 8.2 mph / 1822 ft. climbing
Home: Duntroon Domain
We got a McDonald’s breakfast, since this would likely be the last McDonald’s until Christchurch. Well, and because we really like McDonald’s. Unfortunately, no, it wasn’t inside a whitestone Victorian building.

We had continued up the coast to Oamaru partly to see Oamaru, but also because it is the start (well, really the end) of the Alps2Ocean “Great Ride”. It’s a multi-day mostly-off-road bike route that would return us to the mountainous spine of the South Island. Ideally we would have spent another day enjoying Oamaru, but the wind was much more tolerable today than it would be tomorrow, so off we went.
The official start/end of the Alps2Ocean was on the pier right next to our campground, and then it ran through the city gardens, which we had not seen yesterday. Every central-city park/gardens that we’ve visited in New Zealand has been amazing, and this weaving linear park was no exception, particularly the Chinese section where we entered.
While the riverside garden path delayed our climb out of the city (which again seems protected by steep hills on all sides), it did not eliminate it, and once we reached the top of that first climb Rett immediately had to strip down out of her culottes and into shorts for the rest of the day.
The trail started with some dumb “let’s put these people on crappy gravel right next to an empty paved road” stuff, alternating with “oh, you say you don’t like being next to the road? Ok, we’ll send you on a big out-of-the-way-loop for no reason”. Argh. So we spent some time swapping between trail and road and guessing at which would save us the most effort.

Eventually though we cut off through areas far from any roads. The trail in this area crossed private farmland, and interestingly, it didn’t just hug property lines, but took a curving, zig-zagging route right through the heart of these farms. On the one hand all the curves made it a bit slow, but on the other, it was a unique way to see what the interior of these vast landholdings are like, an opportunity we wouldn’t have gotten any other way.

At some point the route hit an actual “rail trail”, where it became straighter and smoothly-graded like the rail line that had once cut through here.

The photos (and my memories) make it look like an incredible ride, and I think when Rett sees this post she’ll agree, but on the day in the moment it was draining. Fighting through rough surfaces, up steep grades, with little shade for miles and miles was a shit-ton of work, especially after a similarly-tough ride two days ago. There were a decent number of e-bike/tour-group riders on the trail, and a couple times they asked how it was going, and on a normal-tough day, Rett would have regaled them with the myriad of challenges we’ve faced. But today, she was essentially not responding at all. Uh oh, this better be the last hill!

The town of Duntroon (the first bit of civilization since leaving Oamaru 35 miles back) doesn’t have a grocery store, or at least I think it doesn’t, but I can’t really say because the trail essentially led us to the campground at Duntroon Domain. “Domains” in New Zealand-ese, seem to be big public parks, and some allow camping. So it’s kind of halfway between a primitive DOC campsite, and a private “holiday park”, though with a full kitchen, lounge, and showers, this one was the best of both worlds: holiday park amenities, and a NZ$20 DOC-campsite price. Yes, the amenities were charmingly dated (we spent the evening in plush pink armchairs, and the showers were weirdly off of the lounge, while the toilets were in a whole separate building, but c’mon, it had showers and a lounge!

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