Brookings, OR to Hiouchi, CA

28.8 mi / 10.6 mph / 910 ft. climbing
Home: Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park hiker/biker campsite

Brookings, the last town in Oregon, the town that contains Harris Beach State Park, also contains a Fred Meyer, the store that has everything, so we did a major morning stock-up for the days ahead. We also did a rare cafe breakfast in order to wait out the morning rain, which was successful at both getting us well-fed with less work than usual, and at letting the sun come out before we headed on.

For some reason the farmer forgot to pull this rock out of his field when he farmed it.

And where we headed on to was California! It’s State #3 in our quest to ride through all 50 states, and one that we expect to be living in for months. Just the day before, Rett had said “well you’ve never cried on a bike tour”, and rolling up to that giant California sign immediately proved that wrong. I’m not exactly sure what brought up the emotions in me; it was something about having accomplished the journey through Oregon and half of Washington, but I think it was more more about the renewal and opportunity that California iconically represents. We’re still new enough into this thing that it still feels like a “normal” bike tour, or a few weeks of vacation, but crossing the California border is one of those elements that slowly drips it into our brains that this is our new life. Rett’s usually the one who plays music on her handlebar-mounted phone, but I had to fire up ‘Hotel California’ as we rode our first miles in the Golden State. We came in from the other end than the Eagles did, and hope that our stay is less-grim, but it still felt right.

California, State #3!

As I remembered from 9 years ago, the beat between the ocean and the Redwoods is a chunk of surprisingly-flat and cattle-filled farmland, where we stopped to eat our lunch in an empty and freshly-plowed field. We used a blackberry bramble as a windbreak from the strong and cold north breeze, trying to soak up as much of the warm California sun as we could, to hold it inside us and generate heat while we would be living under a solid blanket of light-blocking redwoods for days.

California cows.

We had first choice of the five hiker/biker campsites at Jedediah Smith State Park ($5 per person per night, a price that will barely get you a gallon of gas here!), so took the one that was both enormous, and let us nestle our tent in the protection of trees as wide as it.

Cheesy cauliflower grits, with our tent guarded by redwoods.



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2 responses to “Brookings, OR to Hiouchi, CA”

  1. Swati Saxena Avatar
    Swati Saxena

    Where’s the pic of you tearing up? <3 I can only imagine how emotional it must be! Oooh, you should see Leena while you're in CA!! Maybe even get free room and board and shower!! 😀

    1. neil Avatar

      We just got a business card from a couple in San Luis Obispo that we met in a bar telling us to call them if we need any help on the way through there (the husband took several urges from his wife to give it to us though, haha!), which made me remember that I really need to get to work on my spreadsheet/map/quick-reference showing people that we know all around the country!

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