Category: California

  • San Diego, CA to San Ysidro, CA

    San Diego, CA to San Ysidro, CA

    Our week of social-activities continues! Our downtown hostel (which stayed relatively-quiet and unparty-like through the night, despite common review complaints) was just a few blocks from Sandy’s place. She had come up to visit us during our stay in Redlands, and we were excited to now see her in her home turf. Rett and I…

  • Enicinitas, CA to San Diego, CA

    Enicinitas, CA to San Diego, CA

    Mixed it up this morning with a video chat with my Dad (and Mom) from the Airstream’s back yard. It’s his birthday, so it was good to “see” him to wish him a happy 75, and trade jealousies over his Mom-made chocolate cake, and our non-snow-covered ground. And also good to speak to them and…

  • Oceanside, CA to Encinitas, CA

    Oceanside, CA to Encinitas, CA

    With another short-mileage day planned, we had the luxury of staying with Mark and Christine, our WarmShowers hosts, until nearly lunchtime. That gave us a chance to talk more about Mark’s upcoming trip, and do some planning, and just relax a bit more in their comfortable house. We followed Mark’s helpful directions to the San…

  • Temecula, CA to Oceanside, CA

    Temecula, CA to Oceanside, CA

    We’re trying to keep our days at 25 miles and under, and since it doesn’t take all that much time to ride that distance, we almost need to stay in our previous night’s spot as long as possible. So we left Temecula at 11am checkout, into an already hot morning, which isn’t exactly optimal. We…

  • Perris, CA to Temecula, CA

    Perris, CA to Temecula, CA

    We knew the morning wouldn’t be cold or wet, we knew we wanted to see more of the park we were staying in, and we knew we had a motel we wouldn’t be able to check into until 3pm, so we decided to wake up in time to make coffee and walk down to the…