Author: neil
Block Island, RI
Day 3 Only five miles of riding took us from our home at the center of the island to where the road ends at the tip of the northern peninsula. We abandoned the bikes and continued on foot along the sometimes-rocky beach, drawn to the lighthouse (contrary to its original purpose). I spotted something bobbing…
Narragansett, RI to Block Island, RI
Two months ago I’d never even heard of Block Island. Martha’s Vineyard? Yes. Nantucket? Of course, I’ve heard dirty limericks. But who knew Rhode Island had its own offshore vacation spot to compete with Massachusetts? It was only when I started considering a ferry-focused route through New England that I noticed an extra dot in…
Martha’s Vineyard, MA to Narragansett, RI
Jenny Lake, a year ago in the shadow of the Tetons, was the last place where we “camped out” at a campground for four nights. Even though our only private space is our tent, the routines of walking by the office on the way to the bathroom, of kicking the same mostly-buried boulder outside my…
Martha’s Vineyard, MA
Day 4 Today was a ride around the west side of the island. At 42 miles, it’s the longest ride we’ve done over the last 10 days, but since we were unloaded, it was easy to do it at a higher speed than any of the shorter ones. Many of the island businesses use an…
Martha’s Vineyard, MA
Day 2 We’re spending four nights on Martha’s Vineyard at the campground. After our 8-consecutive-day riding record, and with fairly-extensive exploratory rides planned for the next two days, this day was a complete rest day, where we didn’t leave the campground. Plus, it was a bit rainy in the afternoon, and then much moreso overnight.…