Author: neil

  • Hanmer Springs, NZ to Lewis Pass, NZ

    Hanmer Springs, NZ to Lewis Pass, NZ

    With a semi-early start (“early”, to be on the road when traffic is lower, “semi” to not be in camp too soon and fighting sandflies all day), the campground kitchen was far less-crowded. Hanmer Springs is a bit unusual in the New Zealand road network, in that it’s a 5-mile dead-end offshoot (via SH7A) from…

  • St. James Range, NZ to Hanmer Springs, NZ

    St. James Range, NZ to Hanmer Springs, NZ

    Our final day on the Molesworth Muster Trail was a short one, with a huge downhill dropping us into the town of Hanmer Springs. But by now we were wise enough to know that didn’t mean it would be easy. Before we started, we figured there was a chance that we would just want to…

  • Awatere Valley (Molesworth), NZ to St. James Range, NZ

    Awatere Valley (Molesworth), NZ to St. James Range, NZ

    It felt chilly in the tent when we woke up, and when Rett asked what I thought the temperature outside the tent might be, I guessed 45F, based mainly on the forecast. I guess the forecast didn’t have the resolution to target this specific high mountain valley, because it was only 33F, just one degree…

  • Awatere Valley (Camden), NZ to Awatere Valley (Molesworth), NZ

    Awatere Valley (Camden), NZ to Awatere Valley (Molesworth), NZ

    The alarm went off at 6am, and I was glad to see the radar showed the rain had largely moved on, even though last night’s forecast had a chance of it lingering a couple more hours. That meant we could get moving straight away, and after using the kitchen to get our bagel-and-bacon breakfast together,…

  • Seddon, NZ to Awatere Valley, NZ

    Seddon, NZ to Awatere Valley, NZ

    We were both woken at 2:45am by the first thing larger than a bird that we’ve heard outside our tent in New Zealand, rustling in the dried leaves. When we sat up, it stopped, never to be heard again. Did it simply freeze in place for the rest of the night? Who knows! But at…