Author: neil

  • Portland, NY to Irving, NY

    Portland, NY to Irving, NY

    We’re usually some of the earlier people out of the campground in the morning, but by the time we woke up today, all the MS charity riders had silently packed up and disappeared. They had 97 miles to go today, a distance I used to do somewhat regularly (even when loaded, unlike them), but one…

  • Lake City, PA to Portland, NY

    Lake City, PA to Portland, NY

    Today we crossed through Erie, Pennsylvania, another of the decaying rust-belt cities cinched around the belly of Lake Erie. Except, like Cleveland, or many of the smaller towns we’ve passed through, it no longer seems to be decaying, and, at least from surface-level appearances, seems to be on the upswing. In 2014, my only memory…

  • North Perry, OH to Lake City, PA

    North Perry, OH to Lake City, PA

    We ate breakfast, packed up camp and then rolled our bikes the quarter mile over to the park bathroom to do our morning routines, including teeth brushing, contact cleaning, etc. Loitering about with our wheeled vehicles heavily laden with overstuffed bags, we felt somewhat more like the standard definition of “homeless people”, because this was…

  • Lakewood, OH to North Perry, OH

    Lakewood, OH to North Perry, OH

    In 2014, we stayed in a cool little up-and-coming neighborhood in Cleveland proper, surrounded by miles of down-and-staying neighborhoods. Our ride across Cleveland today showed that in the eight years hence, that small rising core has spread dramatically, spilling over to the point where most areas that we traveled through felt vibrant and legitimately “cool”.…

  • Sandusky, OH to Lakewood, OH

    Sandusky, OH to Lakewood, OH

    Even in our darkened motel room, we were awake before our 8am alarm. But there was no rush, since we had some of the forecasted morning rain to wait out (part of the reason we stayed under a roof in the first place). The continental breakfast was pretty weak, especially until more waffle batter turned…