Author: neil

  • Cataviña, BC to Chapala, BC

    Cataviña, BC to Chapala, BC

    A horrible sulfur-smell started wafting through our tent just as we were putting our heads down, and kept me awake for a long time. I’m not sure if it was just due to a shift in the winds, or if the hotel does some kind of water-processing overnight that causes the smell, but at least…

  • El Descanso, BC to Cataviña, BC

    El Descanso, BC to Cataviña, BC

    I heard a few coyotes wailing in the middle of the night in our wild camp, but otherwise slept pretty well. The occasional truck going down the highway a quarter mile away didn’t do much to disturb the quiet. Rett didn’t sleep quite as well, which is understandable since it was her first night ever…

  • El Rosario, BC to El Descanso, BC

    El Rosario, BC to El Descanso, BC

    One more breakfast at…Mama Espinoza’s. For the second morning in a row, a tour bus dropped a load of Americans into the restaurant, presumably to look at the memorabilia and buy some of the various stuff for sale. They kind of wander around for 10 or 15 minutes and then leave. On the one hand,…

  • Lazaro Cárdenas, BC to El Rosario, BC

    Lazaro Cárdenas, BC to El Rosario, BC

    Our garden hotel was so fancy that they had coffee in the office in the morning, a first in Mexico. However, the restaurant was not open for breakfast, and since it was far (by bicycle) from town, we made do with some vending-machine snacks to get us going (and it seemed the vending machine stock…

  • Héroes de Chapultepec, BC to  Lazáro Cardenas, BC

    Héroes de Chapultepec, BC to Lazáro Cardenas, BC

    For our second night at Hotel Pedro San Martir, there was no music at all (nor even any during the day), so sleep came easier. On the other hand, with the cloudier and windy day, we could only get the temperature in the room up to 68 deg. F in the afternoon, so that meant…