Category: Mexico

  • Playa Buenaventura, BCS

    Playa Buenaventura, BCS

    Day 2 Morning revealed more of Playa Buenaventura’s unique charms, with the most color-painted sky we’ve seen on the bay. And the large pelican population was active early and often, letting us know that all the life we saw under the water during yesterday’s wade was not just a local fluke; there was easy fishing…

  • Playa Estucasa, BCS to Playa Buenaventura, BCS

    Playa Estucasa, BCS to Playa Buenaventura, BCS

    In all my years of being awoken and nervously trying to decipher the unknown noises closing-in on my bed in the dark of night, “dolphins” was an answer that never even made it on my already-wild list of possibilities. Raccoons, mice, dogs, coyotes, skunk, or even bears, yes, but never the sharp exhalations and thumping…

  • Playa Estucasa, BCS

    Playa Estucasa, BCS

    Day 5 Yesterday morning we had to “endure” our first sunrise on this beach with birds as our only wildlife to view on the water. So today, the dolphins remedied that, returning in far-larger numbers than the other day, and staying in the bay for a much longer time. It gave a chance for a…

  • Playa Estucasa, BCS

    Playa Estucasa, BCS

    Day 4 For the first time on the beach, there were some light clouds at sunrise, which not only gave the sky a fighting chance to compete with the beauty of the water, it also meant that the scorching heat that begins radiating from the east at 8:30am was a bit moderated this morning. So…

  • Playa Estucasa, BCS

    Playa Estucasa, BCS

    Day 3 A second night of tentless sleeping had us up as now-normal for sunrise. But unlike yesterday, we didn’t hear the slapping of manta ray fins on the calm waters of the bay. Instead, we heard the compressed-air exclamations of dolphins! Once we heard their sounds, their rising dorsal fins and arching tails were…