Category: California

  • Redlands, CA to Perris, CA

    Redlands, CA to Perris, CA

    With the decision to move on having been made, the actual departure day was mostly mechanical. With some newly-acquired items (like an electric heating pad for Rett’s back), and full loads of leftover food, plus water, we could use the bathroom scale to finally know how much our loaded bikes actually weigh. The result: 107…

  • Redlands, CA

    Redlands, CA

    How to live through winter as nomads? Roughly, the solution is to act as nomads have for millennia: use our unrooted-ness to our advantage, and as the days shorten, move to locations with more-hospitable climates. In retrospect, that “surviving winter” imperative has had the biggest influence on our global routing ideas. It’s what pushed us…

  • Palm Springs

    Palm Springs

    Day 1: Rett’s Birthday I did a poor job of commemorating Rett’s birthday, which disappointingly (for both of us!) seems to be a bit of a habit. This year, I feel like my excuses (“I’ve been kinda busy”, “We both know it doesn’t make sense to buy you stuff right now”) are slightly more legitimate,…

  • Beaumont, CA to Palm Springs, CA

    Beaumont, CA to Palm Springs, CA

    The final stage in our traversal to Palm Springs was the riskiest and most-unknown. The Adventure Cycling Route 66 route we’d roughly been following had peeled off north a couple days ago through Cajon Pass, leaving us heading eastward through San Gorgonio Pass on our own. Worse, the mountains funnel the road network until it…

  • Redlands, CA to Beaumont, CA

    Redlands, CA to Beaumont, CA

    My rough 3-day plan for getting us from Hollywood to Palm Springs had a final ~50-mile day taking us from Redlands to Palm Springs. But I had been including an “insurance” day, meaning if everything went to plan, we’d get to Palm Springs a day early. But given the deteriorating state of Rett’s back, today…