Category: California

  • Glendora, CA to Redlands, CA

    Glendora, CA to Redlands, CA

    Ken and Susan were kind enough to offer us options to help deal with Rett’s back, including another night’s stay if we needed it, or a drive down the road a bit to shorten up the day’s ride. Pretty great for people we’d known for less than a day. But Rett being Rett (and also…

  • Los Angeles, CA to Glendora, CA

    Los Angeles, CA to Glendora, CA

    With the weather cleared, and the Wizarding World explored, it was time to continue multi-day trek eastward across the endless sprawl of the Los Angeles metro area. I had feared that the stop-and-go, aggressive drivers, and generally brutal urban-sprawl riding conditions would make for a soul-draining ride, especially across multiple days, but if the first…

  • Los Angeles, CA

    Los Angeles, CA

    Day 2 Today was the main reason for our extended stay: record rainfall was predicted, and it came to fruition. It started overnight, and continued through most of the day. My impromptu rain gauge measured nearly 4 inches, which would be more than a quarter of the normal Los Angeles yearly rainfall! Official measurements weren’t…

  • Los Angeles, CA

    Los Angeles, CA

    Day 1 “Los Angeles” is enormous, so we could only ever hope to see a small part of it traveling by bicycle. So where to establish a base for a few days? Conveniently, the Hollywood area is doubly attractive to Rett, both as a fan of Hollywood’s productions, and as a fan of not deviating…

  • Malibu, CA to Los Angeles, CA

    Malibu, CA to Los Angeles, CA

    It was 45 degrees at sunrise, so a bit more-tolerable than yesterday, but still pretty chilly. But it was once again dry, so that means nothing to complain about. Despite the winter chill, the roadsides along the beaches on the way into Malibu were already packed with cars fairly early in the weekend morning. It…