Category: Oregon

  • Gold Beach, OR to Brookings, OR

    Gold Beach, OR to Brookings, OR

    Another short-ish day (but with big climbing) let us stay until checkout at the motel, which allowed Rett to take more advantage of the WiFi and have a video call with her sister. Once out, we had yet more of the primeval southern Oregon coast, with such ill-defined separation between sea and stone, that the…

  • Port Orford, OR to Gold Beach, OR

    Port Orford, OR to Gold Beach, OR

    Taking a break from biking for a morning, we hiked up a mountain! 1735 ft. to the top of Humbug Mountain, the tallest point on the Oregon Coast. We could access the trail right from the campground, so didn’t even need to pack up until we got back. There are some pretty great views from…

  • Bandon, OR to Port Orford, OR

    Bandon, OR to Port Orford, OR

    Woke to the coldest morning so far, 38 degrees. We need to keep moving south! Even as we do, the sun sets earlier and rises later each day, so it feels like a bit of a losing battle. The good news is that the ocean that keeps the coast temperatures so cool in the summer…

  • Lakeside, OR to Bandon, OR

    Lakeside, OR to Bandon, OR

    Today’s ride was another good compare/contrast with nine years ago. My memory was that Coos Bay sucked, and yeah, it still kinda sucked. Big bridge, lots of unfriendly traffic, kinda run-down. But it has a Rite-Aid, which in this region is a place where you can get Amazon packages delivered! It was our first time…

  • Lakeside, OR

    Lakeside, OR

    Rain came exactly as predicted at 6am. We laid around waiting for a lull, and then, using the bus shelter, half-packed and half-walked our stuff in multiple stages across the campground to our reserved yurt. Although we couldn’t move in yesterday, the registration worker was kind enough to let us know that no one would…