Category: Oregon

  • Manzanita, OR

    Manzanita, OR

    One more strategic stay-in-place night for the weather to clear. At one point, Rett voiced what I’d been feeling, which is that it felt bad to just be hanging out in our motel room watching HGTV (or blogging) when there was the edge of the globe’s largest ocean continually arriving right outside our door. But…

  • Astoria, OR to Manzanita, OR

    Astoria, OR to Manzanita, OR

    We loved Astoria so much, we just needed to find a way to stay a little longer: morning laundry! And hey, even the laundromat was top-notch and modernized, with a credit-card computer that would let you start your machine directly from the panel. Fancy! Ok, seriously, we knew we wanted to wait a bit longer…

  • Astoria, OR

    Astoria, OR

    Weather along the Pacific Northwest coast is nearly rain-free for the entire month of August, and mostly clear through September. But October is the month where everything falls off the cliff, with rain being near constant by the end of the month. So we have a strong motivation to get south as quickly as we…