Category: USA

  • Beaumont, CA to Palm Springs, CA

    Beaumont, CA to Palm Springs, CA

    The final stage in our traversal to Palm Springs was the riskiest and most-unknown. The Adventure Cycling Route 66 route we’d roughly been following had peeled off north a couple days ago through Cajon Pass, leaving us heading eastward through San Gorgonio Pass on our own. Worse, the mountains funnel the road network until it…

  • Redlands, CA to Beaumont, CA

    Redlands, CA to Beaumont, CA

    My rough 3-day plan for getting us from Hollywood to Palm Springs had a final ~50-mile day taking us from Redlands to Palm Springs. But I had been including an “insurance” day, meaning if everything went to plan, we’d get to Palm Springs a day early. But given the deteriorating state of Rett’s back, today…

  • Glendora, CA to Redlands, CA

    Glendora, CA to Redlands, CA

    Ken and Susan were kind enough to offer us options to help deal with Rett’s back, including another night’s stay if we needed it, or a drive down the road a bit to shorten up the day’s ride. Pretty great for people we’d known for less than a day. But Rett being Rett (and also…

  • Los Angeles, CA to Glendora, CA

    Los Angeles, CA to Glendora, CA

    With the weather cleared, and the Wizarding World explored, it was time to continue multi-day trek eastward across the endless sprawl of the Los Angeles metro area. I had feared that the stop-and-go, aggressive drivers, and generally brutal urban-sprawl riding conditions would make for a soul-draining ride, especially across multiple days, but if the first…

  • Los Angeles, CA

    Los Angeles, CA

    Day 2 Today was the main reason for our extended stay: record rainfall was predicted, and it came to fruition. It started overnight, and continued through most of the day. My impromptu rain gauge measured nearly 4 inches, which would be more than a quarter of the normal Los Angeles yearly rainfall! Official measurements weren’t…