Category: USA
Garberville, CA to Leggett, CA
While we waited for the previous night’s rain to truly end, I walked across town to the laundromat to do a load. Rett finished up the cooking chores following our camp-stove breakfast (cooked out on the covered patio of our motel room, since our microwave was broken, but had bought a load of microwaveable food…
Weott, CA to Garberville, CA
With our campsite sitting right on the Avenue of the Giants, it was the shortest distance I’ve ever experienced between leaving camp and being on a glorious cycling road. The Avenue continued just as it had ended the evening before, as did the forest-resort barely-a-towns that it connected. The day was short to beat another…
Eureka, CA to Weott, CA
In the midst of all this fear and avoidance of rain, we were surprised by one of the best days of pure bike touring so far, with clear enough skies not just for a beautiful ride, but to be able to camp overnight in comfort. Of course the camping is sort of a “must”, to…
Eureka, CA
We wanted to push on to Eureka yesterday because we knew there would be rain all day and into the night, and with Eureka being the last “city” we’d be in for a long time, it would be a good place to get some business done. Once again, the forecast was correct, and spending most…
Orick, CA to Eureka, CA
We intentionally have two different mobile phone providers (I have Verizon, Rett has Google Fi), to maximize our coverage. We’ve had brief periods where neither of us has had service, but staying for two days and nights at Prairie Creek was the first time we totally Internet-disconnected. We managed fine (like bike touring 40 years…