Home: Tugman State Park Yurt
Rain came exactly as predicted at 6am. We laid around waiting for a lull, and then, using the bus shelter, half-packed and half-walked our stuff in multiple stages across the campground to our reserved yurt.
Although we couldn’t move in yesterday, the registration worker was kind enough to let us know that no one would look askance if we moved in today earlier than the 4pm check-in time. So by 8am (uh, 8 hours before check-in) we were under shelter.

In a yurt! A yurt! We’ve wanted to stay in a yurt for a million years, and finally we’re in one! Well, probably not for a million years, since the yurt-trend is pretty new, but it’s definitely taking over at least Oregon campgrounds. It also checked off another box, one that came up when trying to figure out how to make our lives more enjoyable: spending multiple nights in the same campground (rather than motel), so that we had more time to relax, explore a park, and spend less money.

Well, no park-exploring would be done this day, since the rain did not let up until about 5pm. So unlike our previous wait-out-the-weather multi-day stays, where we felt like we were a bit tricked by the forecast, or like we were giant wusses scared of three raindrops, this was definitely the right day to stay inside all day.

And stay inside we did. Although we also made good use of the covered porch, which could shelter one bike, and all of our cooking gear. But beyond that, it was enjoying the electric heat, Internetting, TV-watching (on a phone), and movie-watching on the screen hung from the bunk-bed (yes, we carry a battery-powered movie projector as part of our load!)

So my impossible planning that I was fighting with two nights before turned into an unexpected result that worked with the conditions nearly perfectly. I guess that means I never need to do any planning again?
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